
Good humor and excellent social qualities

I hired Jesper at a time when our company was in a purchase phase and we were in a staff turnover process – But Jesper managed to stay straight up in the turbulent organisation. Eventhough this was he´s first technical jobs.

Work areas:
First level support, and a small amount SW development (Java, PHP).
Jesper has been very good at creating a bridge between technology and design /campaign management.

We will greatly miss Jespers good humor and excellent social qualities.

From here the best recommendations to Jesper


Kanon medarbejder

Kanon medarbejder, altid glad og klar med en hjælpende hånd. Jesper sætter sig altid 100% ind i opgaverne og udfører dem med fuld professionalisme. Har indblik ind en bred vifte af teknologier


Socially talented and energetic.

Jesper is a business-oriented systems developer with an outstanding level of dedication.

At Come and Stay, everyone was talking about Jesper and his extraordinary commitment to his team and the company. His feeling for technical developemt and business generation will be deeply missed.

Jesper is also socially talented and energetic. He never hesitated to give a team member his full support in his very charming way.

I’m conviced that I speak for the whole company when I say that I would recommend Jesper for any job he applies for anywhere


Jesper thinks before he acts!

I can strongly recommend doing business with Jesper Flindt whom I know through a close collaboration with Come & Stay. Jesper has a great work ethic and serves as a good precaution against errors. In short, Jesper thinks before he acts!


Jesper is a hard working employee…

Jesper is extremely competent within his area. He solves, both small and large tasks efficiently and always on time. Jesper is a hard working employee, who is respected by his colleagues. I hereby give Jesper my best recommendations


Jesper er et dejligt aktiv der gør arbejdsdagen kortere grundet hans humør…

Jeg har i min tid ved Come&Stay, draget stor nytte af Jespers tekniske kunnen. Jesper er et dejligt aktiv der gør arbejdsdagen kortere grundet hans humør. Derudover ser jeg Jesper som en rigtig tech-nørd på den gode måde der ALTID finder en løsning på tech-problemer… Specielt hvis noget bliver væk (læs her hvis man kommer til at slette ting og sager i div. systemer) Enhver arbejdsplads vil få en humørfyldt DYGTIG medarbejder hvis de har Jesper. Ønsker ham al held og lykke fremove